Producer: Small Lot Producers
Country of Origin: Guatemala | Peru | Sumatra
Region: Huehuetenango | Cajamarca | Lintong
Process: Washed | Sun Dried | Wet Hulled
Elevation: 1300 - 2000 MASL
Roast Level: Dark Roast
For the dark roast lover, this coffee has your back. Elevation and density play an important role in allowing a coffee to withstand roasting past second crack "Dark Roast". These characteristics allow the coffee to handle the heat and still maintain enough organic matter to deliver elements of subtle sweetness, heavy body and bold flavours that a dark roast drinker will admire. For us, this is the perfect gateway coffee for those that want to begin their exploration of speciality coffee but have been only been exposed to the dark side of larger commercial roasters (no mention of names here ;)